The NAF Academies of Miami-Dade County Public Schools

    Miami Lakes CyberPatriot Teams Excel in Contest

    2017-18 CyberPatriot X contest is sponsored by Northrop Grumman Foundation, and the Air Force Association among many other national corporations. At the center of CyberPatriot is the National Youth Cyber Defense Competition. The competition puts teams of high school and middle school students in the position of newly hired IT professionals tasked with managing the network of [...]

    By | February 12th, 2018|Academy of Information Technology, Cybersecurity|

      National Mentoring Month

      All January long, people across the country will be mentoring students in celebration of National Mentoring Month and providing them with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed. For more info email:

        Submit Your College Acceptance Video to NAF

        Send in Videos of Your College Acceptances to NAF National and you too can Win A Prize! NAF wants to feature you opening your college acceptance emails or applying to college on social media! Send in a video of you submitting your college applications or opening your college acceptance emails, and NAF will enter you in the [...]

          Miami AFA Donates CyberPatriot Team T-shirts

          The local chapter Miami-Dade Air Force Association donated customized t-shirts to the Hialeah Gardens Academy of Information Technology CyberPatriot team.    

          By | December 22nd, 2017|Academy of Information Technology, Cybersecurity, STEM|

            STEM Advisory Board Tours Miami Sunset Academy

            The Miami-Dade STEM NAF Advisory Board met on December 15, 2017 at Miami Sunset Senior High School, which has three STEM NAF Academies of Engineering, Health Sciences, and Information Technology, as well as a NAF academies in the areas of Finance, Hospitality and Tourism. The school's Hospitality and Tourism culinary students created and served breakfast for the [...]

              Grand Opening of Cybersecurity Academy at Miami Sunset

              Miami Sunset Senior High School held the grand opening of the school's new Cybersecurity Academy during the December STEM Advisory Board meeting.  Principal John Lux led a tour of the brand new new innovative IT computer lab sponsored by a grant from JPMorgan Chase. The lab includes double monitors on all student computer stations, and up to [...]

                M-DCPS Educators Trained by Lenovo on Building Apps

                For the 2017-2018 school year Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) will be adding eight more NAF academies to the two returning academies already involved with the Lenovo Scholar Network (LSN). NAF is a national network of education, business, and community leaders who work together to ensure that high school students are college, career and future ready. Now [...]

                By | December 15th, 2017|Academy of Information Technology|

                  Miami Lakes Educational Center Academy of Information Technology

                  Miami Lakes Educational Center's Academy of Information Technology provides students the opportunity to learn IT skills and obtain hands-on experience in work-based events. Among these experiences include field trips, workshops, paid internships as well as receiving insight in the IT field of study by means of guest speakers and mentors. Read More

                  By | December 12th, 2017|Academy of Information Technology|

                    Announcing Job Shadow Day – Feb. 1st

                    Sign Up Today to Host Students on Thursday, February 1, 2017 Job Shadow Day is a nationwide effort where hundreds of thousands of work-places welcome millions of student shadows through their doors. Job Shadowing is an academically motivating educational activity dedicated to giving kids an up-close look at the world of work. Conact Ann Fields at 305-693-3030 [...]