The NAF Academies of Miami-Dade County Public Schools

    STEM News CIO Council scholarship

    Congrats to former STEM AOIT recipient, Alejandro Fuentes, of the CIO Council Scholarship who addresses the CIO Council Golf Tournament attendees today. Thanks to the CIO Council for the continued funding of their scholarships to our kids.

    By | November 9th, 2018|Academy of Information Technology, STEM|

      CyberPatriot XI Round 1 competition has begun! Good Luck Teams!

      MLEC in the house! CyberPatriot XI Round 1 competition! Go Jaguars! @MLECPrin @mlecITacad @MLECJaguars @MLEC_Tech @NAFMiami @CyberPatriot @BeatrizCSears @CTEMiami @MLECSGA @CiscoNetAcad — Marlon Vernon (@mlecITacad) November 2, 2018

        Construction Career Day

        Students from Miami-Dade NAF Academies of Engineering at Hialeah Gardens, Booker T. Washington, Miami Sunset and North Miami high schools attended the 2018 Career Construction Day at Bergeron Rodeo Grounds in Davie, Florida this week. Sponsored annually by the Florida Department of Transportation and several local construction companies the event was held on October 23 and 24, [...]

        By | October 25th, 2018|Academy of Engineering, Academy of Information Technology|

          Announcing Job Shadow Day – Feb. 5, 2019

          Sign Up Today to Host Students on Tuesday, February 5, 2019 Job Shadow Day is a nationwide effort where hundreds of thousands of work-places welcome millions of student shadows through their doors. Job Shadowing is an academically motivating educational activity dedicated to giving kids an up-close look at the world of work. Contact Ann Fields at 305-693-3030 [...]

            NAF NEXT 2018

            NAF Next was a huge success! NAF Next is a dynamic professional development conference that brings together education, business, and community leaders to address some of the biggest challenges facing education and the economy. More than 1,000 NAF network members came together to learn how they can ensure students, teachers, and partners can #BeFutureReady. The conference was held on July [...]

              Miami Lakes NAF Teachers Lead Capstone Workshop at NAF Conference

              Miami Lakes Educational Center NAF Lead Teachers, Mr. Marlon Vernon, AOIT and Ms. Glenda Algaze, AOHS led a workshop sharing our best practices and how to organize Capstone Projects with colleagues from across the nation at the 2018 NAFNext Conference, July 10 in Washington, DC.

                2018 NAF Mega Student Industry Conference

                The 2018 NAF Mega Student Industry Conference was a hit! Miami-Dade County Superintendent Alberto Carvalho attended the conference, and with the help of many keynote speakers, they really demonstrated how motivation is a great way to succeed in future careers. The conference had more than 20 schools attending with over 1,500 students. Each student had the opportunity [...]

                  Career Academies Outperform All School Districts as Nationally-Recognized Programs

                  Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) will add four new Distinguished Academies to its existing 12 Distinguished NAF Career Academies. Hialeah Gardens Senior High School added its Academy of Finance (AOF) and Academy of Hospitality (AOHT) to its other three themed Distinguished Academies, making it the first Miami-Dade high school as well as the first in the NAF [...]

                    NAF Mega Student Industry Conference Planning Committee

                    For more information go to:

                      Hialeah Gardens CyberPatriot Teams Finish 2nd & 3rd

                      Two teams of NAF Academy of Information Technology students from Hialeah Gardens Senior High have won 2nd and 3rd Place at the state level of the 2017-18 CyberPatriot X contest sponsored by Northrop Grumman Foundation, and the Air Force Association among many other national corporations. ​​​CyberPatriot is the National Youth Cyber Education Program created by the Air Force Association [...]

                      By | February 16th, 2018|Academy of Information Technology, Cybersecurity|