The NAF Academies of Miami-Dade County Public Schools

    SunTrust and FIU instructing AOF students

    Thank you SunTrust Financial Wellness Clinic @fiubusiness for these 8 weeks of Financial literacy! @nafmiami #befutureready #aofgables — Coral Gables Senior High Academy of Finance (@aofgables) October 30, 2018

    By | November 2nd, 2018|Academy of Finance, Industry Partners, Work Based Learning|

      CyberPatriot XI Round 1 competition has begun! Good Luck Teams!

      MLEC in the house! CyberPatriot XI Round 1 competition! Go Jaguars! @MLECPrin @mlecITacad @MLECJaguars @MLEC_Tech @NAFMiami @CyberPatriot @BeatrizCSears @CTEMiami @MLECSGA @CiscoNetAcad — Marlon Vernon (@mlecITacad) November 2, 2018

        Donor Sponsors North Miami AOHS Response Ready Project

        Ms. Zelniker, Lead Teacher of the Academy of Health Sciences at North Miami Senior High School announced that "Response Ready" project posted on has been fully funded in the amount of $1,720 by national company located in Boca Raton, WDSrx.  Woodfield Distribution, LLC (WDSrx) is a Logistics Services Provider empowering the Life Sciences industry The donation [...]

        By | November 2nd, 2018|Academy of Health Sciences, Fundraising, Industry Partners|

        Give Miami Day Resources

        If you would like to invite others to donate, please use the following items for sharing 2018 GIVE MIAMI DAY with friends, business associates, etc. Thank you! LINK TO PLEDGE CARD AND DONATION PAGE Right click to save images. TO USE AS SIGNATURE ON EMAIL, OR POST ON WEB PAGE, TWITTER, ETC. ----- please link to webpage [...]

        By | November 2nd, 2018|Fundraising, Give Miami Day|