The NAF Academies of Miami-Dade County Public Schools

STEM NAF Academy Track

  • Engage Students and Educators in Career Awareness and Exploration
  • Develop Work-Based Learning Activities
  • Sustain Academies with Training and Fundraising

STEM NAF Advisory Board

Our Mission: The STEM Advisory Board promotes community/industry/stakeholder awareness and interdisciplinary learning to connect the classroom with the real world, prepare students for post-secondary education, foster innovation, and encourage passion.


Miami industry and community leaders partner with Miami NAF Academies, aligning their industry expertise, community leadership, and pipeline development needs to transform the high school experience.

Chair: Carlos Vazquez
CEO, Miami EdTech
Vice Chair: Kwamara Thompson
Secretary: Mary Murphy
PLTW - Senior Director of School Success, Project Lead the Way
Treasurer: Bert Silvestre
Vice President, Pro Logic Systems
Chair: Dr. Angela Colbert
Knight Vice President, Education
Vice Chair: Carlos Vazquez
CEO, Miami EdTech
Secretary: Alejandra Lorenzo
NOAA and ITWomen, IT Consultant, Mentor, Motivational Speaker
Treasurer: Bert Silvestre
Vice President, Pro Logic Systems
Immediate Past Chair: Albert Sosa
Vice President, HNTB

STEM Advisory Board Members coordinate, sponsor and participate in many student and teacher activities:

  • Annual “Groundhog” Job Shadow Day
  • Industry Tours
  • Internship Providers for Summer Youth Internship Program
  • Review and guide Internship Preparation Course
  • Guest Speaker Programs & Campus Career Fairs 
  • “Day in the Life of a Nurse”
  • eMerge Conference
  • CIO Annual Golf Tournament – Fundraiser and Scholarship Awards
  • Cybersecurity Days (hosted by FIU, Miami Dade College, NOVA)
  • CyberPatriot Competition
  • Miami Dade College EnTEC Summer Camps
  • Annual NAF Mega Student Industry Conference Breakout Sessions
  • Give Miami Day and other fundraisers
  • FIU Engineering Expo
  • Academy Capstone Project Reviews
  • Mock Job Interviews
  • Curriculum Reviews
  • Program Review of .Net IT Academy
  • FIU StartUp Activities
  • Training of teachers (industry trends, latest in-demand career and technical skills)



Using the nationally acclaimed Project Lead the Way curriculum, studies include Civil, Aerospace, Mechanical, and Architectural.

  • American 
  • Booker T. Washington 
  • Coral Reef
  • Hialeah Gardens
  • Miami Sunset
  • North Miami
  • Robert Morgan Educational Center


Academy studies include areas of Dental, Emergency, Home Health, Nursing, Pharmacy and Vision.

  • Coral Reef
  • Hialeah
  • Hialeah Gardens
  • Miami Lakes Ed. Center
  • Miami Sunset
  • North Miami
  • William H. Turner Technical Arts


Academy studies include areas of Digital Design, Programming, Gaming, Network Systems, Web Development.

  • Alonzo and Tracy Mourning
  • American
  • Barbara Goleman
  • Booker T. Washington
  • Felix Varela
  • G. Holmes Braddock
  • Hialeah Gardens
  • Homestead
  • Miami Beach
  • Miami Central
  • Miami Jackson
  • Miami Lakes Educational Center
  • Miami Norland
  • Miami Southridge
  • Miami Sunset
  • North Miami Beach
  • South Dade
  • Southwest Miami
  • William H. Turner Technical Arts

Other Themes

Academy studies include areas of areas of Agriculture and Veterinary Science.

  • Coral Reef: Academy of Agricultural Studies
  • Hialeah Gardens: Academy of  Agricultural Sciences
  • J. C. Bermudez Doral: Academy of Agricultural Studies & Veterinary Science

Interested in becoming more involved with Miami-Dade NAF STEM academies?

You have the power to prepare future leaders and widen the workforce pipeline with knowledgeable, diverse, and driven talent.

Examples of Ways to Get Involved:

  • Volunteer at Schools

  • Lead Workshop

  • Host Job Shadow Day

  • Hire Summer Intern

  • Join Advisory Board

  • Make a Donation