The NAF Academies of Miami-Dade County Public Schools

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Super Teacher: Mrs. Yoelin Cabrera-Fernandez, Southwest Miami High

Mrs. Yoelin Cabrera-Fernandez’s principles of accounting class at Southwest Miami High School was a hit! The students learned how to hone their financial skills with a game of monopoly. "They are creating transactions, they're purchasing properties, sadly paying taxes and passing through "Go." Those transaction they are journalizing and keeping track of all the expenses for their [...]

By | November 26th, 2018|Academy of Finance|

    Coral Gables HS Finance Students Become Bloomberg Certified

    Finance students have lots to celebrate on thanksgiving as they have just become Bloomberg certified, thanks to @FIUBusiness. These future stockbrokers spent several weeks as part of their curriculum learning about stocks, bonds, etc. Coral Gables Academy of Finance is a Distinguished NAF Academy.

    By | November 26th, 2018|Academy of Finance, Community Partner Training, Work Based Learning|

      Turner Tech AOF Learn About Beacon Council

      Students from the Academy of Finance at William H. Turner Technical Arts High School were guests at the Beacon Council annual meeting and learned much about future Economic Development in Miami.

      By | November 26th, 2018|Academy of Finance, Industry Partners, Work Based Learning|